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Call Kim
Email Kim
Come In
604 W 4th St.
Loveland, CO 80537
Does your child:
- avoid reading and writing?
- guess words from the beginning sound?
- demonstrate consistent errors in reading and spelling - reversals(b/d, was/saw), substitutions (what/that, no/on), transpositions (best/bets), and omissions (let for
left)? - misread or omit common short words?
- omit or add suffixes to words?
- memorize spelling words for a test and be unable to spell those words a week or two later?
Does your child have difficulty:
- rhyming words?
- connecting letters and sounds?
- learning new vocabulary?
- remembering names of objects?
- remembering facts?
- retaining math vocabulary and/or concepts?
- following directions?
- staying organized?
This website is designed to assist families whose children are experiencing difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling.
Dyslexia affects 7 to 20% of the population. Children with dyslexia and other reading difficulties can learn to read more proficiently when provided with individualized, multi-sensory instruction which emphasizes phonemic awareness and phonics. Schools in Colorado do test for learning disabilities but most do not specifically identify dyslexia. As a result, many schools do not provide
the type of instruction these students need.
Contact Colorado Reading Solutions to see how I can help.